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1.4. Conventions used in this guide
The following conventions are used within this guide:
- italic
Anything appearing in italic, like═this is either an executable command or emphasized text. Tools (executable commands) are in italics to prevent confusion. Some tools have names which are real english words, such as the “locate” tool.
- key═combinations
Are represented by using a '-' (dash sign) in-between the key(s), which must be used in combination. All combinations are also printed in italics to improve clarity. For example CTRL-Z means hold down the Control key and press the z key.
- admonitions
Admonitions are little pictures used to emphasize something of importance to the reader.
The five types used are:
This is a note Notes often give important information about a tool.
This is a tip This will offer a useful switch or useful way to use a tool.
This is something important This is something that is considered very important. Consider it like a note with extra importance, they are usually there to save the reader time.
This is a caution This will inform you of something that you be careful about (because it could be harmful to your system).
This is a warning This will inform you of something that you shouldn't do (because it probably will break something within your system).
- code═examples
Code examples are shown for most commands.
Below is an example of what code looks like:
Hello World, I'm a code example. :)
- command═syntax
(or a similar phrase) simply shows how you would normally use the command. Often real examples are used instead of explaining the command syntax.
The phrase “ Command syntax” is always followed by the way you would type a command in a shell.
The standard syntax for any tool is usually:
command -options file
Note Note that some tools do not accept options.
- wildcards
Also note that most commands, even when not explicitly stated, will work with standard wildcards (or globbing patterns) such as *, [A-Z] and various other standard wildcards. Refer to Section 20.4.1 for further information.
- access═keys
Access keys enable navigation through the document, without relying on a mouse. The following keys have been given special meaning in this document:
- P
Previous page.
- N
Next page.
- H
Home of the document (Table of Contents).
- U
Up (takes you one level up the section hierarchy).
If you also happen to be reading the document from its original location, then the following access keys can also be used:
- S
Start (takes you to the author's start page).
- T
The current (“This”) page, without the Sitemenu on the left.
- M
The current page in a frameset, where the left frame contains a Menu.