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D.24. /etc/sysconfig/createfiles
######################################################################## # Begin /etc/sysconfig/createfiles # # Description : Createfiles script config file # # Authors : # # Version : 00.00 # # Notes : The syntax of this file is as follows: # if type is equal to "file" or "dir" # <filename> <type> <permissions> <user> <group> # if type is equal to "dev" # <filename> <type> <permissions> <user> <group> <devtype> <major> <minor> # # <filename> is the name of the file which is to be created # <type> is either file, dir, or dev. # file creates a new file # dir creates a new directory # dev creates a new device # <devtype> is either block, char or pipe # block creates a block device # char creates a character deivce # pipe creates a pipe, this will ignore the <major> and <minor> fields # <major> and <minor> are the major and minor numbers used for the device. ######################################################################## # End /etc/sysconfig/createfiles