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B.2. Mailing Lists

A survey of laptop mailing lists. Some of the addresses are taken from Kenneths page. All comments are by me:

B.2.1. General Lists

To join the Linux-Laptop-Mailing-List at TuxMobil visit the subscription page. There you may find the list archive, too. This is a new list, but offers a reasonable amount of members already.

To join the Linux-Laptop-Mailing-List from Kernel.Org write a mail to <majordomo_at_vger.kernel.org> with subscribe linux-laptop in the subject. You will get a confirmation message than, which you have to reply appropriately. It has an archiv now. Note: This is the list formerly admininstrated by <majordomo_at_vger.rutgers.edu>. This was a list with much traffic, current traffic seems to be very low. The list seems to have lost most of its members since changing the address.

A searchable mailing list archive (of the predecessor) is hosted in the miscellaneous section of GeoCrawler.

The eGroups Discussion Forum (linuxonlaptop) is dedicated to Linux on laptop issues. It has almost no traffic and is archived.

Also the eGroups Discussion Forum (linuxlaptop) is dedicated to Linux on laptop issues. It has almost no traffic and is archived.

The Linux Notebook HQ Discussion Forum is dedicated to Linux on laptop issues. It has almost no traffic and is archived.

B.2.2. Lists Dedicated to a Linux Distribution

There is now a debian-laptop mailing list. Any questions or discussions concerning running the Debian/GNU Linux operating system(s) on laptops are welcome. Send mail to <debian-laptop-request_at_lists.debian.org> with a subject of subscribe. Or visit the Debian/GNU Linux site and use the online form. The list is archived and has a reasonable amount of traffic and a good quality.

SuSE offers a suse-laptop list (mostly in German). You may subscribe at the SuSE mailing list pages .

B.2.3. Lists Dedicated to a Laptop or Manufacturer

The linux-dell-laptops is dedicated to Linux on DELL laptop issues. It has almost no traffic and is archived.

The linux-thinkpad list is dedicated to Linux on IBM ThinkPads issues. It

The linux-thinkpad list is dedicated to Linux on IBM ThinkPads issues. It has almost no traffic. Write a mail to <majordomo_at_bm-soft.com>.

Also the linux-thinkpad is dedicated to Linux on IBM ThinkPads issues. It has almost no traffic and is archived.

The linux-toshiba-portege is dedicated to Linux on Toshiba Porteges issues. It has almost no traffic and is archived.

The linux-tosh-40xx list is dedicated to Linux on Toshiba Satellite 40xx issues. It has almost no traffic. Write a mail to <majordomo_at_geekstuff.co.uk>.

The linux-ibm-thinkpad-tp240-portege is dedicated to Linux on IBM ThinkPad 240 issues.