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A special thanks goes to my technical reviewer, Abraham van der Merwe, and my production editor, Jane Bonnell. Thanks to Jonathan Maltz, Jarrod Cinman, and Alan Tredgold for introducing me to GNU/Linux back in 1994 or so. Credits are owed to all the Free software developers that went into LATEX, TEX, GhostScript, GhostView, Autotrace, XFig, XV, Gimp, the Palatino font, the various LATEX extension styles, DVIPS, DVIPDFM, ImageMagick, XDVI, XPDF, and LaTeX2HTML without which this document would scarcely be possible. To name a few: John Bradley, David Carlisle, Eric Cooper, John Cristy, Peter Deutsch, Nikos Drakos, Mark Eichin, Brian Fox, Carsten Heinz, Spencer Kimball, Paul King, Donald Knuth, Peter Mattis, Frank Mittelbach, Ross Moore, Derek B. Noonburg, Johannes Plass, Sebastian Rahtz, Chet Ramey, Tomas Rokicki, Bob Scheifler, Rainer Schoepf, Brian Smith, Supoj Sutanthavibul, Herb Swan, Tim Theisen, Paul Vojta, Martin Weber, Mark Wicks, Masatake Yamato, Ken Yap, Herman Zapf.

Thanks to Christopher R. Hertel for contributing his introduction to Samba.

An enormous thanks to the GNU project of the Free Software Foundation, to the countless developers of Free software, and to the many readers that gave valuable feedback on the web site.


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