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6. Files and Directories

This chapter discusses the basic tools for manipulating files and directories--tools that are among the most essential on a Linux system.

A file is a collection of data that is stored on disk and that can be manipulated as a single unit by its name.

A directory is a file that acts as a folder for other files. A directory can also contain other directories (subdirectories); a directory that contains another directory is called the parent directory of the directory it contains.

A directory tree includes a directory and all of its files, including the contents of all subdirectories. (Each directory is a "branch" in the "tree.") A slash character alone (`/') is the name of the root directory at the base of the directory tree hierarchy; it is the trunk from which all other files or directories branch.

The following image shows an abridged version of the directory hierarchy.


To represent a directory's place in the file hierarchy, specify all of the directories between it and the root directory, using a slash (`/') as the delimiter to separate directories. So the directory `dict' as it appears in the preceding illustration would be represented as `/usr/dict'.

Each user has a branch in the `/home' directory for their own files, called their home directory. The hierarchy in the previous illustration has two home directories: `joe' and `jon', both subdirectories of `/home'.

When you are in a shell, you are always in a directory on the system, and that directory is called the current working directory. When you first log in to the system, your home directory is the current working directory.

Whenever specifying a file name as an argument to a tool or application, you can give the slash-delimited path name relative to the current working directory. For example, if `/home/joe' is the current working directory, you can use work to specify the directory `/home/joe/work', and work/schedule to specify `schedule', a file in the `/home/joe/work' directory.

Every directory has two special files whose names consist of one and two periods: `..' refers to the parent of the current working directory, and `.' refers to the current working directory itself. If the current working directory is `/home/joe', you can use `.' to specify `/home/joe' and `..' to specify `/home'. Furthermore, you can specify the `/home/jon' directory as ../jon.

Another way to specify a file name is to specify a slash-delimited list of all of the directory branches from the root directory (`/') down to the file to specify. This unique, specific path from the root directory to a file is called the file's full path name. (When referring to a file that is not a directory, this is sometimes called the absolute file name).

You can specify any file or directory on the system by giving its full path name. A file can have the same name as other files in different directories on the system, but no two files or directories can share a full path name. For example, user joe can have a file `schedule' in his `/home/joe/work' directory and a file `schedule' in his `/home/joe/play' directory. While both files have the same name (`schedule'), they are contained in different directories, and each has a unique full path name---`/home/joe/work/schedule' and `/home/joe/play/schedule'.

However, you don't have to type the full path name of a tool or application in order to start it. The shell keeps a list of directories, called the path, where it searches for programs. If a program is "in your path," or in one of these directories, you can run it simply by typing its name.

By default, the path includes `/bin' and `/usr/bin'. For example, the who command is in the `/usr/bin' directory, so its full path name is /usr/bin/who. Since the `/usr/bin' directory is in the path, you can type who to run /usr/bin/who, no matter what the current working directory is.

The following table describes some of the standard directories on Linux systems.

/ The ancestor of all directories on the system; all other directories are subdirectories of this directory, either directly or through other subdirectories.
/bin Essential tools and other programs (or binaries).
/dev Files representing the system's various hardware devices. For example, you use the file `/dev/cdrom' to access the CD-ROM drive.
/etc Miscellaneous system configuration files, startup files, etcetera.
/home The home directories for all of the system's users.
/lib Essential system library files used by tools in `/bin'.
/proc Files that give information about current system processes.
/root The superuser's home directory, whose username is root. (In the past, the home directory for the superuser was simply `/'; later, `/root' was adopted for this purpose to reduce clutter in `/'.)
/sbin Essential system administrator tools, or system binaries.
/tmp Temporary files.
/usr Subdirectories with files related to user tools and applications.
/usr/X11R6 Files relating to the X Window System, including those programs (in `/usr/X11R6/bin') that run only under X.
/usr/bin Tools and applications for users.
/usr/dict Dictionaries and word lists (slowly being outmoded by `/usr/share/dict').
/usr/doc Miscellaneous system documentation.
/usr/games Games and amusements.
/usr/info Files for the GNU Info hypertext system.
/usr/lib Libraries used by tools in `/usr/bin'.
/usr/local Local files--files unique to the individual system--including local documentation (in `/usr/local/doc') and programs (in `/usr/local/bin').
/usr/man The online manuals, which are read with the man command (see section Reading a Page from the System Manual).
/usr/share Data for installed applications that is architecture-independent and can be shared between systems. A number of subdirectories with equivalents in `/usr' also appear here, including `/usr/share/doc', `/usr/share/info', and `/usr/share/icons'.
/usr/src Program source code for software compiled on the system.
/usr/tmp Another directory for temporary files.
/var Variable data files, such as spool queues and log files.

NOTE: For more information on the directory structure of Linux-based systems, view the compressed files in the `/usr/doc/debian-policy/fsstnd/' directory (see section Perusing Text).

6.1 Naming Files and Directories  How to give names to your files and directories.
6.2 Changing Directories  How to move around the filesystem.
6.3 Listing Directories  Listing the contents of a directory.
6.4 Copying Files and Directories  Making copies of files.
6.5 Moving Files and Directories  Moving files to a different location.
6.6 Removing Files and Directories  Removing files and directories you don't need.
6.7 Giving a File More than One Name  Creating links between files.
6.8 Specifying File Names with Patterns  Shortcuts for specifying file names.
6.9 Browsing Files  Browsing files on the system.

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6.1 Naming Files and Directories

File names can consist of upper- and lowercase letters, numbers, periods (`.'), hyphens (`-'), and underscores (`_').(15) File names are also case sensitive---`foo', `Foo' and `FOO' are all different file names. File names are almost always all lowercase letters.

Linux does not force you to use file extensions, but it is convenient and useful to give files proper extensions, since they will help you to identify file types at a glance. You can have files with multiple extensions, such as `long.file.with.many.extensions', and you can have files with none at all, such as `myfile'. A JPEG image file, for example, does not have to have a `.jpg' or `.jpeg' extension, and program files do not need a special extension to make them work.

The file name before any file extensions is called the base file name. For example, the base file name of `house.jpeg' is `house'.

Some commonly used file extensions are shown in the following table, including extensions for text and graphics files. (See Converting Images between Formats, for more extensions used with image files, and see Playing a Sound File, for extensions used with sound files.)

.txt or .text Plain, unformatted text.
.tex Text formatted in the TeX or LaTeX formatting language.
.ltx or .latex Text formatted in the LaTeX formatting language (neither are as common as just using `.tex').
.gz A compressed file.
.sgml SGML ("Standardized General Markup Language") format.
.html HTML ("Hypertext Markup Language") format.
.xml XML ("Extended Markup Language") format.

The following sections show how to make new files; to rename an existing file, move it to a file with the new name--see Moving Files and Directories.

6.1.1 Making an Empty File  Make a file with nothing in it.
6.1.2 Making a Directory  Make a directory to put files in.
6.1.3 Making a Directory Tree  Make an entire directory tree.

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6.1.1 Making an Empty File

You may sometimes want to create a new, empty file as a kind of "placeholder." To do so, give the name that you want to use for the file as an argument to touch.

  • To create the file `a_fresh_start' in the current directory, type:
    $ touch a_fresh_start RET

  • To create the file `another_empty_file' in the `work/completed' subdirectory of the current directory, type:

    $ touch work/completed/another_empty_file RET

This tool "touches" the files you give as arguments. If a file does not exist, it creates it; if the file already exists, it changes the modification timestamp on the file to the current date and time, just as if you had used the file.

NOTE: Often, you make a file when you edit it, such as when in a text or image or sound editor; in that case, you don't need to make the file first.

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6.1.2 Making a Directory

Use mkdir ("make directory") to make a new directory, giving the path name of the new directory as an argument. Directory names follow the same conventions as used with other files--that is, no spaces, slashes, or other unusual characters are recommended.

  • To make a new directory called `work' in the current working directory, type:
    $ mkdir work RET

  • To make a new directory called `work' in the `/tmp' directory, type:

    $ mkdir /tmp/work RET

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6.1.3 Making a Directory Tree

Use mkdir with the `-p' option to make a subdirectory and any of its parents that do not already exist. This is useful when you want to make a fairly complex directory tree from scratch, and don't want to have to make each directory individually.

  • To make the `work/completed/2001' directory--a subdirectory of the `completed' directory, which in turn is a subdirectory of the `work' directory in the current directory, type:

    $ mkdir -p work/completed/2001 RET

This makes a `2001' subdirectory in the directory called `completed', which in turn is in a directory called `work' in the current directory; if the `completed' or the `work' directories do not already exist, they are made as well (if you know that `work' and `completed' both exist, the above command works fine without the `-p' option).

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6.2 Changing Directories

Use cd to change the current working directory; give the name of the new directory as an argument.

  • To change the current working directory to `work', a subdirectory in the current directory, type:
    $ cd work RET

  • To change to the current directory's parent directory, type:

    $ cd .. RET

You can also give the full path name of a directory.

  • To change the current working directory to `/usr/doc', type:

    $ cd /usr/doc RET

This command makes `/usr/doc' the current working directory.

6.2.1 Changing to Your Home Directory  Changing to your home directory.
6.2.2 Changing to the Last Directory You Visited  Changing to the last directory you visited.
6.2.3 Getting the Name of the Current Directory  Getting the name of the current directory.

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6.2.1 Changing to Your Home Directory

With no arguments, cd makes your home directory the current working directory.

  • To make your home directory the current working directory, type:

    $ cd RET

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6.2.2 Changing to the Last Directory You Visited

To return to the last directory you were in, use cd and give `-' as the directory name. For example, if you are in the `/home/mrs/work/samples' directory, and you use cd to change to some other directory, then at any point while you are in this other directory you can type cd - to return the current working directory to `/home/mrs/work/samples'.

  • To return to the directory you were last in, type:

    $ cd - RET

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6.2.3 Getting the Name of the Current Directory

To determine what the current working directory is, use pwd ("print working directory"), which lists the full path name of the current working directory.

  • To determine what the current working directory is, type:

    $ pwd RET

In this example, pwd output the text `/home/mrs', indicating that the current working directory is `/home/mrs'.

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6.3 Listing Directories

@sf{Debian}: `mc'
@sf{Debian}: `mozilla'
@sf{WWW}: http://www.gnome.org/mc/
@sf{WWW}: http://www.mozilla.org/

Use ls to list the contents of a directory. It takes as arguments the names of the directories to list. With no arguments, ls lists the contents of the current working directory.

  • To list the contents of the current working directory, type:

    $ ls RET
    apple   cherry  orange

In this example, the current working directory contains three files: `apple', `cherry', and `orange'.

  • To list the contents of `work', a subdirectory in the current directory, type:
    $ ls work RET

  • To list the contents of the `/usr/doc' directory, type:

    $ ls /usr/doc RET

You cannot discern file types from the default listing; directories and executables are indistinguishable from all other files. Using the `-F' option, however, tells ls to place a `/' character after the names of subdirectories and a `*' character after the names of executable files.

  • To list the contents of the directory so that directories and executables are distinguished from other files, type:

    $ ls -F RET
    repeat* test1   test2   words/

In this example, the current directory contains an executable file named `repeat', a directory named `words', and some other files named `test1' and `test2'.

Another way to list the contents of directories--and one I use all the time, when I'm in X and when I also want to look at image files in those directories--is to use Mozilla or some other Web browser as a local file browser. Use the prefix(16) file:/ to view local files. Alone, it opens a directory listing of the root directory; file:/home/joe opens a directory listing of user joe's home directory, file:/usr/local/src opens the local source code directory, and so on. Directory listings will be rendered in HTML on the fly in almost all browsers, so you can click on subdirectories to traverse to them, and click on files to open them in the browser.

Yet another way to list the contents of directories is to use a "file manager" tool, of which there are at least a few on Linux; the most popular of these is probably the "Midnight Commander," or mc.

The following subsections describe some commonly used options for controlling which files ls lists and what information about those files ls outputs. It is one of the most often used file commands on Unix-like systems.

6.3.1 Listing File Attributes  Listing file attributes.
6.3.2 Listing Directories Recursively  Listing directories and their subdirectories.
6.3.3 Listing Newest Files First  Listing newest files first.
6.3.4 Listing Hidden Files  Listing hidden or special files.
6.3.5 Listing Directories in Color  Directory listings in color.
6.3.6 Listing Directory Tree Graphs  Listing an entire directory tree.
6.3.7 Additional Directory Listing Options  Popular options for the ls command.

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6.3.1 Listing File Attributes

Use ls with the `-l' ("long") option to output a more extensive directory listing--one that contains each file's size in bytes, last modification time, file type, and ownership and permissions (see section File Ownership).

  • To output a verbose listing of the `/usr/doc/bash' directory, type:
$ ls -l /usr/doc/bash RET
total 72
-rw-r--r--   1 root    root     13744 Oct 19 22:57 CHANGES.gz
-rw-r--r--   1 root    root      1816 Oct 19 22:57 COMPAT.gz
-rw-r--r--   1 root    root     16398 Oct 19 22:57 FAQ.gz
-rw-r--r--   1 root    root      2928 Oct 19 22:57 INTRO.gz
-rw-r--r--   1 root    root      4751 Oct 19 22:57 NEWS.gz
-rw-r--r--   1 root    root      1588 Oct 19 22:57 POSIX.NOTES.gz
-rw-r--r--   1 root    root      2718 Oct 19 22:57 README.Debian.gz
-rw-r--r--   1 root    root     19596 Oct 19 22:57 changelog.gz
-rw-r--r--   1 root    root      1446 Oct 19 22:57 copyright
drwxr-xr-x   9 root    root      1024 Jul 25  1997 examples

This command outputs a verbose listing of the files in `/usr/doc/bash'. The first line of output gives the total amount of disk space, in 1024-byte blocks, that the files take up (in this example, 72). Each subsequent line displays several columns of information about one file.

The first column displays the file's type and permissions. The first character in this column specifies the file type; the hyphen (`-') is the default and means that the file is a regular file. Directories are denoted by `d', and symbolic links (see section Giving a File More than One Name) are denoted by `l'. The remaining nine characters of the first column show the file permissions (see section Controlling Access to Files). The second column lists the number of hard links to the file. The third and fourth columns give the names of the user and group that the file belongs to. The fifth column gives the size of the file in bytes, the sixth column gives the date and time of last modification, and the last column gives the file name.

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6.3.2 Listing Directories Recursively

Use the `-R' option to list a directory recursively, which outputs a listing of that directory and all of its subdirectories.

  • To output a recursive directory listing of the current directory, type:

    $ ls -R RET
    play    work

In this example, the current working directory contains two subdirectories, `work' and `play', and no other files. Each subdirectory contains a file called `notes'.

  • To list all of the files on the system, type:

    $ ls -R / RET

This command recursively lists the contents of the root directory, `/', and all of its subdirectories. It is common to combine this with the attribute option, `-l', to output a verbose listing of all the files on the system:

$ ls -lR / RET

NOTE: You can't list the contents of some directories on the system if you don't have permission to do so (see section Controlling Access to Files).

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6.3.3 Listing Newest Files First

Use the `-t' option with ls to sort a directory listing so that the newest files are listed first.

  • To list all of the files in the `/usr/tmp' directory sorted with newest first, type:

    $ ls -t /usr/tmp RET

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6.3.4 Listing Hidden Files

By default, ls does not output files that begin with a period character (`.'). To reduce clutter, many applications "hide" configuration files in your home directory by giving them names that begin with a period; these are called dot files, or sometimes "hidden" files. As mentioned earlier, every directory has two special dot files: `..', the parent directory, and `.', the directory itself.

To list all contents of a directory, including these dot files, use the `-a' option.

  • To list all files in the current directory, type:

    $ ls -a RET

Use the `-A' option to list almost all files in the directory: it lists all files, including dot files, with the exception of `..' and `.'.

  • To list all files in the current directory except for `..' and `.', type:

    $ ls -A RET

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6.3.5 Listing Directories in Color

Use ls with the `--color' option to list the directory contents in color; files appear in different colors depending on their content. Some of the default color settings include displaying directory names in blue, text files in white, executable files in green, and links in turquoise.

  • To list the files in the root directory in color, type:


NOTE: It's common practice to create a command alias that substitutes `ls --color' for `ls', so that typing just ls outputs a color listing. To learn more about making aliases, see Making a Command Alias.

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6.3.6 Listing Directory Tree Graphs

@sf{Debian}: `tree'
@sf{WWW}: ftp://mama.indstate.edu/linux/tree/

Use tree to output an ASCII text tree graph of a given directory tree.

  • To output a tree graph of the current directory and all its subdirectories, type:

    $ tree RET
    |-- projects
    |   |-- current
    |   `-- old
    |       |-- 1
    |       `-- 2
    `-- trip
        `-- schedule.txt
    4 directories, 3 files

In the preceding example, a tree graph is drawn showing the current directory, which contains the two directories `projects' and `trip'; the `projects' directory in turn contains the directories `current' and `old'.

To output a tree graph of a specific directory tree, give the name of that directory tree as an argument.

  • To output a tree graph of your home directory and all its subdirectories, type:

    $ tree ~ RET

To output a graph of a directory tree containing directory names only, use the `-d' option. This is useful for outputting a directory tree of the entire system, or for getting a picture of a particular directory tree.

  • To output a tree graph of the entire system to the file `tree', type:
    $ tree -d / > tree RET

  • To peruse a tree graph of the `/usr/local' directory tree, type:

    $ tree -d /usr/local |less RET

NOTE: Another tool for outputting directory trees is described in Listing a File's Disk Usage.

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6.3.7 Additional Directory Listing Options

The ls tool has many options to control the files listed and the information given for each file; the following table describes some of them. (The options are case sensitive.)

--color Colorize the names of files depending on their type.
-R Produce a recursive listing.
-a List all files in a directory, including hidden, or "dot," files.
-d List directories by name instead of listing their contents.
-f Do not sort directory contents; list them in the order they are written on the disk.
-l Produce a verbose listing.
-r Sort directory contents in reverse order.
-s Output the size--as an integer in 1K blocks--of each file to the left of the file name.
-t Sort output by timestamp instead of alphabetically, so the newest files are listed first.

NOTE: You can combine any of these options; for example, to list the contents of a directory sorted newest first, and display all attributes, use `-lt'. To recursively list all hidden files and display all attributes, use `-lRa'. It doesn't matter what order you put the options in--so `-lRa' is the same as, say, `-alR'.

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6.4 Copying Files and Directories

Use cp ("copy") to copy files. It takes two arguments: the source file, which is the existing file to copy, and the target file, which is the file name for the new copy. cp then makes an identical copy of the source file, giving it the specified target name. If a file with the target name already exists, cp overwrites it. It does not alter the source file.

  • To copy the file `my-copy' to the file `neighbor-copy', type:

    $ cp my-copy neighbor-copy RET

This command creates a new file called `neighbor-copy' that is identical to `my-copy' in every respect except for its name, owner, group, and timestamp--the new file has a timestamp that shows the time when it was copied. The file `my-copy' is not altered.

Use the `-p' ("preserve") option to preserve all attributes of the original file, including its timestamp, owner, group, and permissions.

  • To copy the file `my-copy' to the file `neighbor-copy', preserving all of the attributes of the source file in the target file, type:

    $ cp -p my-copy neighbor-copy RET

This command copies the file `my-copy' to a new file called `neighbor-copy' that is identical to `my-copy' in every respect except for its name.

To copy a directory along with the files and subdirectories it contains, use the -R option--it makes a recursive copy of the specified directory and its entire contents.

  • To copy the directory `public_html', and all of its files and subdirectories, to a new directory called `private_html', type:

    $ cp -R public_html private_html RET

The `-R' option does not copy files that are symbolic links (see section Giving a File More than One Name), and it does not retain all original permissions. To recursively copy a directory including links, and retain all of its permissions, use the `-a' ("archive") option. This is useful for making a backup copy of a large directory tree.

  • To make an archive copy of the directory tree `public_html' to the directory `private_html', type:

    $ cp -a public_html private_html RET

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6.5 Moving Files and Directories

Use the mv ("move") tool to move, or rename, a file or directory to a different location. It takes two arguments: the name of the file or directory to move followed by the path name to move it to. If you move a file to a directory that contains a file of the same name, the file is overwritten.

  • To move the file `notes' in the current working directory to `../play', type:

    $ mv notes ../play RET

This command moves the file `notes' in the current directory to `play', a subdirectory of the current working directory's parent. If a file `notes' already exists in `play', that file is overwritten. If the subdirectory `play' does not exist, this command moves `notes' to its parent directory and renames it `play'.

To move a file or directory that is not in the current directory, give its full path name as an argument.

  • To move the file `/usr/tmp/notes' to the current working directory, type:

    $ mv /usr/tmp/notes . RET

This command moves the file `/usr/tmp/notes' to the current working directory.

To move a directory, give the path name of the directory you want to move and the path name to move it to as arguments.

  • To move the directory `work' in the current working directory to `play', type:

    $ mv work play RET

This command moves the directory `work' in the current directory to the directory `play'. If the directory `play' already exists, mv puts `work' inside `play'---it does not overwrite directories.

Renaming a file is the same as moving it; just specify as arguments the file to rename followed by the new file name.

  • To rename the file `notes' to `notes.old', type:

    $ mv notes notes.old RET

6.5.1 Changing File Names to Lowercase  Changing the case of a file.
6.5.2 Renaming Multiple Files with the Same Extension  Renaming multiple files at once.

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6.5.1 Changing File Names to Lowercase

@sf{WWW}: http://eternity.2y.net/chcase

To change the uppercase letters in a file name to lowercase (or vice versa), use chcase. It takes as arguments the files whose names it should change.

  • To change the file names of all of the files in the current directory to lowercase letters, type:

    $ chcase * RET

Use the `-u' option to change file names to all uppercase letters.

  • To change file names of all of the files with a `.dos' extension in the `~/tmp' directory to all uppercase letters, type:

    $ chcase -u ~/tmp/*.dos RET

By default, chcase does not rename directories; use the `-d' option to rename directories as well as other files. The `-r' option recursively descends into any subdirectories and renames those files, too.

  • To change all of the files and subdirectory names in the current directory to all lowercase letters, type:
    $ chcase -d * RET

  • To change all of the files and subdirectory names in the current directory to all uppercase letters, and descend recursively into all subdirectories, type:
    $ chcase -d -r -u * RET

  • To change all of the files in the current directory to all lowercase letters, and descend recursively into all subdirectories (but do not change any directory names), type:

    $ chcase -r * RET

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6.5.2 Renaming Multiple Files with the Same Extension

@sf{WWW}: http://eternity.2y.net/chcase

To give a different file name extension to a group of files that share the same file name extension, use chcase with the `-x' option for specifying a Perl expression; give the patterns to match the source and target files as a quoted argument.

For example, you can rename all file names ending in `.htm' to end in `.html' by giving `s/htm/html/' as the expression to use.

  • To rename all of the files in the current directory with a `.htm' extension to `.html', type:

    $ chcase -x 's/htm/html/' '*.htm' RET

By default, chcase will not overwrite files; so if you want to rename `index.htm' to `index.html', and both files already exist in the current directory, the above example will do nothing. Use the `-o' option to specify that existing files may be overwritten.

  • To rename all of the files in the current directory with a `.htm' extension to `.html' and overwrite any existing files, type:

    $ chcase -o -x 's/htm/html/' '*.htm' RET

NOTE: Renaming multiple files at once is a common request.

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6.6 Removing Files and Directories

Use rm ("remove") to delete a file and remove it from the system. Give the name of the file to remove as an argument.

  • To remove the file `notes' in the current working directory, type:

    $ rm notes RET

To remove a directory and all of the files and subdirectories it contains, use the `-R' ("recursive") option.

  • To remove the directory `waste' and all of its contents, type:

    $ rm -R waste RET

To remove an empty directory, use rmdir; it removes the empty directories you specify. If you specify a directory that contains files or subdirectories, rmdir reports an error.

  • To remove the directory `empty', type:

    $ rmdir empty RET

6.6.1 Removing a File with a Strange Name  Removing files with strange names.
6.6.2 A Safe Way to Remove a File  A safer way to remove files.

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6.6.1 Removing a File with a Strange Name

Files with strange characters in their names (like spaces, control characters, beginning hyphens, and so on) pose a problem when you want to remove them. There are a few solutions to this problem.

One way is to use tab completion to complete the name of the file (see section Letting the Shell Complete What You Type). This works when the name of the file you want to remove has enough characters to uniquely identify it so that completion can work.

  • To use tab completion to remove the file `No Way' in the current directory, type:

    $ rm NoTAB Way RET

In the above example, after TAB was typed, the shell filled in the rest of the file name (` Way').

When a file name begins with a control character or other strange character, specify the file name with a file name pattern that uniquely identifies it (see section Specifying File Names with Patterns, for tips on building file name patterns). Use the `-i' option to verify the deletion.

  • To delete the file `^Acat' in a directory that also contains the files `cat' and `dog', type:

    $ rm -i ?cat RET
    rm: remove `^Acat'? y RET

In the above example, the expansion pattern `?cat' matches the file `^Acat' and no other files in the directory. The `-i' option was used because, in some cases, no unique pattern can be made for a file--for example, if this directory also contained a file called `1cat', the above rm command would also attempt to remove it; with the `-i' option, you can answer n to it.

These first two methods will not work with files that begin with a hyphen character, because rm will interpret such a file name as an option; to remove such a file, use the `--' option--it specifies that what follows are arguments and not options.

  • To remove the file `-cat' from the current directory, type:

    $ rm -- -cat RET

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6.6.2 A Safe Way to Remove a File

@sf{WWW}: ftp://ftp.wg.omron.co.jp/pub/unix-faq/docs
@sf{WWW}: http://dsl.org/comp/tinyutils/

Once a file is removed, it is permanently deleted and there is no command you can use to restore it; you cannot "undelete" it. (Although if you can unmount the filesystem that contained the file immediately after you deleted the file, a wizard might be able to help reconstruct the lost file by using grep to search the filesystem device file.)

A safer way to remove files is to use del, which is simply an alias to rm with the `-i' option. This specifies for rm to run in interactive mode and confirm the deletion of each file. It may be good practice to get in the habit of using del all the time, so that you don't make an accidental slip and rm an important file.

NOTE: Question 3.6 in the Unix FAQ (see `/usr/doc/FAQ/unix-faq-part3') discusses this issue, and gives a shell script called can that you can use in place of rm---it puts files in a "trashcan" directory instead of removing them; you then periodically empty out the trashcan with rm.

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6.7 Giving a File More than One Name

Links are special files that point to other files; when you act on a file that is a link, you act on the file it points to. There are two kinds of links: hard links and symbolic links. A hard link is another name for an existing file; there is no difference between the link and the original file. So if you make a hard link from file `foo' to file `bar', and then remove file `bar', file `foo' is also removed. Each file has at least one hard link, which is the original file name itself. Directories always have at least two hard links--the directory name itself (which appears in its parent directory) and the special file `.' inside the directory. Likewise, when you make a new subdirectory, the parent directory gains a new hard link for the special file `..' inside the new subdirectory.

A symbolic link (sometimes called a "symlink" or "soft link") passes most operations--such as reading and writing--to the file it points to, just as a hard link does. However, if you remove a symlink, you remove only the symlink itself, and not the original file.

Use ln ("link") to make links between files. Give as arguments the name of the source file to link from and the name of the new file to link to. By default, ln makes hard links.

  • To create a hard link from `seattle' to `emerald-city', type:

    $ ln seattle emerald-city RET

This command makes a hard link from an existing file, `seattle', to a new file, `emerald-city'. You can read and edit file `emerald-city' just as you would `seattle'; any changes you make to `emerald-city' are also written to `seattle' (and vice versa). If you remove the file `emerald-city', file `seattle' is also removed.

To create a symlink instead of a hard link, use the `-s' option.

  • To create a symbolic link from `seattle' to `emerald-city', type:

    $ ln -s seattle emerald-city RET

After running this command, you can read and edit `emerald-city'; any changes you make to `emerald-city' will be written to `seattle' (and vice versa). But if you remove the file `emerald-city', the file `seattle' will not be removed.

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6.8 Specifying File Names with Patterns

The shell provides a way to construct patterns, called file name expansions, that specify a group of files. You can use them when specifying file and directory names as arguments to any tool or application.

The following table lists the various file expansion characters and their meaning.

* The asterisk matches a series of zero or more characters, and is sometimes called the "wildcard" character. For example, * alone matches all file names, a* matches all file names that consist of an `a' character followed by zero or more characters, and a*b matches all file names that begin with an `a' character and end with a `b' character, with any (or no) characters in between.
? The question mark matches exactly one character. Therefore, ? alone matches all file names with exactly one character, ?? matches all file names with exactly two characters, and a? matches any file name that begins with an `a' character and has exactly one character following it.
[list] Square brackets match one character in list. For example, [ab] matches exactly two file names: `a' and `b'. The pattern c[io] matches `ci' and `co', but no other file names.
~ The tilde character expands to your home directory. For example, if your username is joe and therefore your home directory is `/home/joe', then `~' expands to `/home/joe'. You can follow the tilde with a path to specify a file in your home directory--for example, `~/work' expands to `/home/joe/work'.

Brackets also have special meaning when used in conjunction with other characters, as described by the following table.

- A hyphen as part of a bracketed list denotes a range of characters to match--so [a-m] matches any of the lowercase letters from `a' through `m'. To match a literal hyphen character, use it as the first or last character in the list. For example, a[-b]c matches the files `a-c' and `abc'.
! Put an exclamation point at the beginning of a bracketed list to match all characters except those listed. For example, a[!b]c matches all files that begin with an `a' character, end with a `c' character, and have any one character, except a `b' character, in between; it matches `aac', `a-c', `adc', and so on.

You can combine these special expansion characters in any combination, and you can specify more than one pattern as multiple arguments. The following examples show file expansion in action using commands described in this chapter.

  • To list all files in the `/usr/bin' directory that have the text `tex' anywhere in their name, type:
    $ ls /usr/bin/*tex* RET

  • To copy all files whose names end with `.txt' to the `doc' subdirectory, type:
    $ cp *.txt doc RET

  • To output a verbose listing of all files whose names end with either a `.txt' or `.text' extension, sorting the list so that newer files are listed first, type:
    $ ls -lt *.txt *.text RET

  • To move all files in the `/usr/tmp' directory whose names consist of the text `song' followed by an integer from 0 to 9 and a `.cdda' extension, placing them in a directory `music' in your home directory, type:
    $ mv /usr/tmp/song[0-9].cdda ~/music RET

  • To remove all files in the current working directory that begin with a hyphen and have the text `out' somewhere else in their file name, type:
    $ rm -- -*out* RET

  • To concatenate all files whose names consist of an `a' character followed by two or more characters, type:

    $ cat a??* RET

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6.9 Browsing Files

You can view and peruse local files in a Web browser, such as the text-only browser lynx or the graphical Mozilla browser for X.

The lynx tool is very good for browsing files on the system--give the name of the directory to browse, and lynx will display a listing of available files and directories in that directory.

You can use the cursor keys to browse and press RET on a subdirectory to traverse to that directory; lynx can display plain text files, compressed text files, and files written in HTML; it's useful for browsing system documentation in the `/usr/doc' and `/usr/share/doc' directories, where many software packages come with help files and manuals written in HTML.

  • To browse the system documentation files in the `/usr/doc' directory, type:

    $ lynx /usr/doc RET

For more about using lynx, see Reading Text from the Web.

With Mozilla and some other browsers you must precede the full path name with the `file:/' URN--so the `/usr/doc' directory would be `file://usr/doc'. With lynx, just give a local path name as an argument.

  • To browse the system documentation files in the `/usr/doc' directory in Mozilla, type the following in Mozilla's Location window:


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